Open EPR free of charge in the cantons of Lucerne and St. Gallen

Citizens of the cantons of Lucerne and St. Gallen can now open their EPR free of charge and completely digitally. Swiss Post Sanela Health AG has reached corresponding agreements with the two cantons.

Good news for Central Switzerland: since April 17, 2024, Lucerne residents have been able to open their electronic patient record (EPR) free of charge using the digital self-onboarding service. This enables them to access their relevant medical documents from anywhere and at any time.

The opening service has been available free of charge in the canton of St. Gallen since March 6, 2024. This means that citizens from eleven cantons can now open their EPR online free of charge - this corresponds to over 50% of the Swiss population.

Open an EPD now:

Availability of digital EPR self-onboarding service
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