Focus on health
We are building the infrastructure for the Swiss healthcare ecosystem.

Post Sanela Health Ltd puts health at the centre of its focus. As a non-profit company, Post Sanela Health Ltd is committed to promoting quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness in healthcare and promotes the Swiss healthcare ecosystem by systematically linking all players in the industry and providing them with a basis for integrated care. In doing so, it pays close attention to the interests of the general public and patients.
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The electronic patient record (EPR)

With the electronic patient record (EPR), members of the general public as well as authorised health professionals can access relevant medical documents at any time.

Post Sanela Health Ltd offers the EPR to the Sanela reference community in accordance with the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record (EPRA). It works with Swiss Post to develop and manage the required technical infrastructure.

Solutions for a digital healthcare system

Sustainable and well-designed digital solutions are needed for making the healthcare system efficient, reducing administrative costs and assuring treatment quality and to form a viable ecosystem for healthcare in Switzerland.

A communication service is being set up that will enable all stakeholders in the healthcare sector to network seamlessly and securely.

Sanela Connect enables the seamless exchange of health information between and among hospitals, medical practices, care homes and other healthcare institutions. Sanela-Connect promotes interoperability and supports efficient communication across different systems to ensure integrated care.


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Post Sanela Health Ltd
Pfingstweidstrasse 60b
CH-8005 Zurich